When you get the little things right – you’re trusted with the big things.
Always free for participants and available 24/7 – you can tell us what’s on your mind and invite your provider to join the conversation.
Providers are notified about your feedback and are encouraged to join the discussion on the nTrustus platform and work towards a solution.
nTrustus supports participants and providers by working together to find a quick solution that everyone is happy with, fixing it before it gets too big.
Click "Make a Complaint".
Tell us what went wrong and the impact it had on you.
Suggest how it can be fixed.
Is emailed your complaint.
They'll reply to you using nTrustus.
They'll do their best to resolve your complaint quickly.
Most complaints are resolved in 14 days.
If you don't hear back, we'll keep reminding them until you do.
We'll keep you updated on progress
Notified as complaints are made.
Gen AI helps you write appropriate responses.
Respond directly using nTrustus.
Track interactions from your dashboard.
Collaborate easily with your team.
Dashboard tracking helps you make sure responses are timely.
A resolution that keeps everyone happy.
Keep participants updated on progress.
Keeps a long-term record of all communications in the one place.
Click 'send a compliment'
Select your provider's name.
Write how they made your life better.
Give them a star rating out of 5.
Only you and your provider can see what you wrote about them.
Everyone can see the star rating you gave them.
It will put a smile on your providers face.
Other participants will see the star ratings to help them make their choice.
Get recognition for your hard work and effort.
Respond directly on nTrustus.
We help you create a response that is aimed at reaching a quick solution.
Only you and your participants can see what they wrote about you.
Everyone can see the star rating you were given.
You and your team will.
Other participants will see just how good your service is.